Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Write two fifty-word mini-sagas. The origins of the saga comes from Icelandic prose dating back to the 12th century when locals would recount their warrior battles. Today, a saga is referred to as a modern heroic narrative.
Your mini-saga should have 50 words. No more, no less. The stories must have a beginning, middle and end. They must be interesting, and they may not be autobiographical. Engage the reader. Here are two example 

My sagas

Jazz, the oldest of three joined the army at 18. He was never good at following orders, till they shipped him to Iraq. His blind devotion to his commander kept him alive. When he got back he worked at a McDonalds where he was fired because he can’t follow orders.  
The day Joey was murdered was a very beautiful day. The sun was shining and there was not a cloud in the sky. He remembered his mom saying never trust a stranger, but this one had candy. They found his body in a field next to an abandoned parking lot. 

1 comment:

  1. Pretty good Michael! Too bad this can only be 50 words or less... I want to read more about these two characters...
